Maiz y Tepescuintle

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Laguna Miramar

Not to make you guys feel jealous (just think of all the parasites, diarrea and bronchitis you also miss out on, if that helps), but these are the photos of our excursion to the Laguna Miramar 23 th of December, a tropical lake in the middle of the forest, two hours beautiful walk from San Quentin.
foto 1: The bridge where my camara had his adventure, which it survived (!!), my photos not, so that is why everyone helps me by sending digital ones... A bit scary walking over it, but ok your fears are there to be faced, no?
foto 2: Just picture me and Nacho with two small boys giving ´swimming lessons´ here, while some wooden kayak float by and you have the full memory. What a laugh when Mariano (8) decided to take of his swimming trunks, we agreed completely with him, swimming naked it so much better! So we joined, only poorArmando (10) was not so comfortable with my ´chichis gueras´ (white breasts), even though you can see a lot of women feeding their children in public even of kids that can already walk.


At 11:58 PM, Blogger SBP said...

gracias por tus historias y por las fotos, me gusta mucho leerte.

At 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola guapísima!
Qué guay!!! tengo muy poco internet, pero ahora que tenía un rato he podido ojear y leer algunas cosas! Qué guapo todo lo que estás viviendo! qué envidia! ;-). Sigue disfrutando!
Muchos besos!!!!!

At 5:11 PM, Blogger Tepescuintle said...

pues muchas gracias de leerme guapas, que bien poder compartir mis historias con ustedes uh vosotras!!!!!


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